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Ships are transported by sea or water. There are many ways to propel a ship. The main ways to propel a ship are for example, manual power (s), wind turbine (sail) or engine power. Handling ships are in a modern society only a few years earlier than before. Viking sailboats are examples of ships with wind power, but they use the sails and the wind to propagate. Sailing ships  are little used today especially for training or preservation. Engine power is the most widely used method today. Four types of machines are: Diesel, Gasoline, Steam and Nuclear Machinery. Four main types of ships are passenger ships, freighter ships, warships and fishing vessels.


Passenger ships are used to transport people from A to B, for example. As Herjólfur travels passengers from mainland to Vestmannaeyjar. Cruise ships are also considered to be passenger ships.


Warship is  the name of all ships used in warfare, such as. Airplane, dinghy and battleships.


Fishing vessels are used for fishing. According to figures from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Agency, four million fishing vessels were employed in the world in 2002, of which 1.3 million passenger ships were all spring-driven. Examples of fishing vessels are trawlers, dragon boats, line-fishing vessels and hand-craft boats.


Freight ships are ships that ship goods, cargo and material across countries and refuse. A large part of international freight transport takes place through a shipping vessel, although airplanes are also used.

Freight ships release about three times more greenhouse gases than previously thought and polluted enormously

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